"And now these three remain:faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
-1 Corinthians 13:13

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


WOW... where should I start? I can't even begin to tell you the life changing events that have taken place in our family for the last 3 weeks. Much has happened! Good, bad, exciting, tearful, confused, worried, blessed and stressed (<--- he follows me everywhere). I just wanted to inform you all that we are still alive and going at full force. Did I mention it's exam week.... yes, exam week--- I'm holding on for dear life! Whew... anyway, I will be back in touch with reality as soon as Friday is over and I will update with stories, life, and pictures (haha who would have thought? I take way too many). I hope y'all are having a good week and Happy Hump Day!!!!
(I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

In preparation for Easter, Jane Kimmel and I have been reading "The Easter Story." I love her little questions that she asks and the excitement in her eyes when it reads... "Jesus is ALIVE!" We discussed how at church on Sunday, she would get to wave her palm tree for Jesus to ride in on a donkey! She said, "momma, we get to see Jesus today?!" and I said no baby, not today... but very soon!

As we celebrated Palm Sunday at church today, the children walked down the aisle and waved their palm branches. They were all so precious and waved them so proudly :) I began to think about how much I yearn for Jane Kimmel to understand the importance of Easter, and how much I want her to grow into a child after the Lord's own heart.... Today, yes today, was a special and heart warming day. Here are sweet pictures (or should I say snap shots, since it lasted about 5 seconds:)

I encourage each of you to prepare your hearts and minds for this upcoming week. Remember that Easter is not just another holiday, a pretty dress, or a good meal after church... But, it is the passing and rising of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It is the assurance of eternal life if you are a child of God. It is about every drop of blood that Jesus shed for you, every nail driven into his flesh, and every ounce of agony and pain that he went through for me and you. It is about the empty tomb and Jesus rising from the dead... He is ALIVE my friends, he is alive!

Happy Holy Week and God Bless YOU!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sadly our "Gospel in Life" bible study ended tonight... tear. What an AWESOME group we had this semester. Lewis and I loved getting to know each and every one of these amazing people and grew even more together as a community of believers. God is so good :) I will be honest and say this has been the most challenging bible study I have done so far. You know, it was one of those that picked at your brain, and then made it hurt afterwards. Anyway, we ended tonight with a fun pot luck gathering and said our goodbyes until we see each other again on Sunday, ha! The Lord has really blessed our time together and we are so thankful for each and every one of these people in this picture. I know one day, when I look back at all our fond memories of Starkville, this bible study group will forever hold a special place in my heart. Gosh, I love you guys and thanks for some wonderful discussions, friendships, and laughs that we had along the way!