Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord for the blessing of LIFE. My favorite moments with my now "2 going on 10" toddler are when she first awakens after a long night of dreaming about Cinderella and prince charming. Her hair is in tangles and her eyes can barley open from the light streaming in from the den. She stretches her little body across the bed and makes that sweet little "to die for smile" from when she was an infant and had just finished nursing. She then wraps her little arms around my neck and holds on for dear life saying "good morning momma." ahhhh.... a big smile wipes across my whole face and for a few moments I think to myself, if we only could stay this way forever.... Reality? haha no. But for those split seconds of time before we ramble through 3 different pairs of cloths, 10 different shoes and or color, run to the kitchen for a quick breakfast, then off to brush those teefe's and rush out the door before 7:15..... I have to stop and PRAISE the Lord for my busy and overwhelmed life that have these precious and priceless moments overflowing within it. Three years ago, I never would have imagined my life would become this full. My cup is OVERFLOWING WITH PRAISES. Don't get me wrong, my days are consumed with studying, work, errands to run, To-do lists, and running around like a chicken with my head cut off before Jane Kimmel has to be at gymnastics and dinner needs to be on the table. This is the story of my life for now, but those little moments that just sneak up on me are the ones I am most thankful for. Waking up to a loving husband with my feet tangled in his and the sound of a sweet little voice singing "row, row, row your boat" in the next room... Thank you God for your amazing plan.
"How great are your works, O LORD, how profound are your thoughts!"
-Psalm 92:5