I'm sure all of us have heard the phrase "it's not all candy canes and lolly pops." Well, the past few weeks, and most of the time, I'm asked the question... "How do you do it? How do y'all keep it all together? Are you superwoman or something?" Let me be the first to scream it... "I AM NOT SUPERWOMAN, AND WE DO NOT HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER." Whew, now that I got that off my chest, I just wanted to share with you devoted readers that it may seem like we have it all together on the outside, but we don't! We struggle with lots of things in our lives and jump/leap over obstacles when they are coming at us head on. We are sinners, just like everyone on this earth and fall short of God's glory every.single.day. Yes, it's hard doing all the stuff Lewis and I do and to top it off being so young while doing it. It's a struggle trying to live up to our own expectations we have for ourselves and especially this "idol" of success that has been hanging around my neck lately, like it owns me or something??? I'm flattered to know that people think we have it all together, but it makes me laugh... pretty hard. Boy, if they only knew what our days and nights consisted of. But, through this crazy thing we call life, I am overwhelmed and on my knees thanking My King for his unconditional love. Sometimes I think to myself "hum, I wonder if your tired of me yet?" But, that is God's Grace people! No matter how many times we fall, He is there to pick us right back up. He knows when we don't have it all together and yearns for us to talk to him about it. Kinda like a best friend, ya know? I am just so thankful for the many blessings that he has given us, even though we are not worthy of a single one. Wow, that's the best dang news I have heard on this heck of a Thursday that I'm having thus far. Now, just come as you are ;) Have a good Weekend!
You can come as you are with all your broken pieces
And all your shameful scars
The pain you hold in your heart, bring it all to Jesus
You can come as you are...