This Saturday, June 20th, we had Jane Kimmel's first birthday! She had a luau theme for her party, which was very appropriate since it was 100 degrees outside! Many of our family and friends came to celebrate with us. Lewis and the guys cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch, and we also had dips, chips, fruit, and of course birthday cake! Jane Kimmel got lots of new toys! Most of them can't fit in our house (ha ha), but she has enjoyed playing with them everyday in the hot summer sun. She looked too cute on her big day! Her KK made her little outfit with hula bears on it, and she wore a birthday crown that said "It's my 1st Birthday!" She showed everyone how she could walk all by herself now, and surprisingly did not dig her face into the cake. Instead, she just poked at it. All in all, we had such a great time. A year has gone by so fast. Lewis and I can't believe Jane Kimmel is 1! She has changed so much in the past year and grown into this mature little toddler. She is definitely growing up to fast! Her birthday was such a sweet milestone for us, as well as our family and friends. We are looking forward to the year ahead and can't wait to plan for birthday number 2!!!!

THe Birthday Girl
The Buford clan :)
Her favorite babysitters!
Yeah... It was hot!

Her future boyfriend.. Campbell!


Charlie and Jane Kimmel :)

Make a wish love...

Cousin Keegan and Jane Kimmel!

Aunt Moget :)
Jane Jane and Uncle Allen

We missed Aunt Katie :(
Mommy and Jane Kimmel :)